Unknown Maker (Aztec, Central Valley Mexico)

Chicomecoatl, The Maize Goddess

ca. 1350-1522


The Aztec goddess of maize, Chicomecoatl, is presented alongside European works of the same historical period to foster dialogue about the range of artistic production during the 14th-16th centuries across the globe. Artists use various visual, material, and iconographical means to identify, revere, and celebrate religious figures. Here, the Nahuati-speaking people of central Mexico incorporate visual signifiers of Chicomecoatl; she wears a quadrangular headdress adorned with rosettes and holds rattles that suggest fertility. Similarly, Renaissance artists use symbols often drawn from an event in a saint's life and specific colors and gestures to depict Jesus, Mary, and other Christian figures.

Lowe Art Museum

Gift of the Katzenstein, 56.003.000